Saturday, December 6, 2008

My reasons to be excited.

1. I'm excited for Mills. Dude bought a condo. I'm stoked for him. And a bit jealous.
2. I love riding bikes. Even in a trainer in a basement. That's how much I love riding bikes.
3. My shoulder is getting better. It's not better. Far from it in fact, but it's GETTING better. I've ridden in the trainer the past few days (see point number 2), including standing up and pulling on the bars a bit, and it doesn't bother a bit on the bike, which is AWESOME.
4. I'm going to Australia and New Zealand for the winter. What's not awesome about that? All totaled I'll be in each place for about six weeks. Most importantly, I won't have to deal with the unreasonably cold that happens in Minnesota.
5. At the end of Australia and New Zealand, I'm going to Japan! Freakin' sweet.
6. Tonight is going to be rad. I'm going to hang with a TON of great people that I don't get to see nearly often enough.

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